Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm Back..

Sorry for the lack of blogging the last few days, I promise I didn't forget about you! My Darling Husband and I decided to take an impromptu trip to the beach this past weekend. Its okay you can be jealous! It was nice getting away for a few days to relax. Especially since who knows if we'll ever get to go back to the beautiful Florida beaches again. We were far enough down the Florida coast to worry about any oil or tar balls. While I was relaxing on the beach I couldn't help but think about all those people's lives that could be effected because of this oil spill. Yes I would be sad that I couldn't go back to the beach again but I can find another place to vacation. I couldn't imagine having to worry about this terrible disaster jeopardizing everything I've worked for and having to start all over again.

On a happier note I'm glad to be back home and trying to get back into the swing of things. It was so hot in South Florida. I don't know how the people that live down there do it. Everything we walked outside we felt sweaty and sticky. Makes our Georgia weather not seem so bad

Hope everyone has had a great week so far!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I've Never Been Strong Willed

I told myself I wouldn't join right away once I started blogging again. Well that didn't last long because I caved and joined! I would really appreciate it if you would follow me so I don't feel so lonely! You can follow me at @heelstoslippers, I promise not to disappoint!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Working at Home

Its been almost two years since I traded in my high heels for a nice pair of black fuzzy slippers. I will say that for the most part I enjoy working from home. I don't have to worry about getting up and getting ready in the mornings. If I want to wear my PJ's to work I can or I can just throw on something comfortable. I don't have to really answer to anybody and don't have to worry about any office gossip. The one thing I really do not miss one bit is the Atlanta traffic. Ugh! If you live in Atlanta you know what I'm talking about and god forbid if if rains. With all the positive things there are some negative aspects to working at home. I must say I miss the fast paced corporate environment. I miss the interactions with coworkers and sometimes the friendships that do evolve. I miss carrying on adult conversations, its hard to talk to my dog! Also on occasions I miss dressing up and wearing my beautiful high heels. As much as they would probably hurt my feet now, I do miss how good they look on. Slippers just don't have the same effect! I will say that working at home will have the best benefits when my husband and I decide to start trying to have a baby. I couldn't imagine having morning sickness and trying to get ready for work. I know that it will be a blessing!

Do any of you work from home? How do you like it opposed to working in an office? Would you ever want to go back to not working at home?

Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Thank you to all the men and women who proudly serve our great Country!!

Welcome to From High Heels to Slippers!

This blog is about my journey from a high heel wearing corporate working girl to a slipper wearing working at home wife. I worked for a big named company for nearly 5 and after I got married I traded in my high heels for slippers to work at home. I am not new to the blogging world by any means. I had a blog in the past but I kind of grew out of that one if you know what I mean. I feel I am in a different part in my life then I was before. Also, I feel it would be hard to revamp the other blog to reflect that, plus who knows if anyone still checks that blog! So here I am starting a new chapter in my life. I am looking forward to what the future holds and where it takes me.